Everything you need to know about our try-outs:
How long are try-outs?
Try-outs are about 2 1/2 hours long for a week. Sometimes, it is not always
everyday- due to other sports and their demands for gym time.
Q: What is required at try-outs?
A: At each try-out, you are required to wear a name tag (you will get
ONE point for this!). You are also required to be on time and attend all the
try-outs. If try-outs conflict with your schedule- contact the coach.
Q: What goes on at each try-out?
A: At each try-out, you learn new material. By the end of the
try-outs, you will have learned a dance, about 10 chants and 4 cheers. Also,
jumps are included in the agenda.
Q: What do you mean by "ONE POINT" ?
A: For every day you show up on time, you will get ONE point. For
having your name tag on at every practice, you will get ONE point. There is
a short essay that is required, you will get THREE points. These points can
make or break your chance at making Varsity.
Q: Do we learn the cheers in one group?
A: All the new girls will be split into little groups and will learn
the cheers/chants with 2 or 3 of the returning girls.
Q: Do you try-out alone?
A: No. There are 4 girls total, 2 returning and 2 new girls.
From the time you walk into the judging room, what happens from there?
A: Every girl has a number, so when you go in you will get in a line
in chronological order. The first and third girl will be returning. You will
do the dance 2 times through. Then ,the judges will tell you which cheer to
do and they will ask each girl individually to start the cheer by calling
READY. After the cheers/chants- then comes the individual part. The first
girl will go up and do a toe-touch, herkie and double nine jump. She will
then be asked to do a split and have the opportunity to show off any other
Q: What do you mean by "other skills"?
A: Well, if the girl has any gymnastics experience (even a
cartwheel can get you extra points). Or if she can do a heel stretch,
scorpion or bow and arrow. Any other jumps, like a front hurdler, pike,
around the world. This would be the time to make yourself stand out from the
rest. |